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Dawn Herrin



I grew up and graduated from high school in Durham, NC. I decided to study art at a young age thanks to the great art educators I had all through school. They fostered my love for creating and encouraged me often to contine on in creating art. I decided in my senior year to go to ECU to study Visiual and Fine Art.  There,  I started a journey of self discovery that continues on today. I graduated in the spring of 1995 with a BFA and a certificate to teach K-12 Art in NC.


I strongly believe in educating our youth as to the beauty of making the world come alive through artistic expression. It is my life's work to educate others and foster the love of art my many teachers and mentors over the years fostered in me. 


I am continuing my career as an Artist and Art Educator in NC. I love sharing my knowledge, experience and special skills in the Visual Arts with art lovers throughout the local community and beyond. It is with passion that I strive to make every day count and to express myself in some way or another. It is truly what makes life worth living.  I like cooking, reading, all mediums of art and spending time with my friends and family. All this world needs is a little more....LOVE!!!  <3 <3 <3

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